Early Release Day

Parents & Guardians,

This letter is to inform you that Friday, August 30th will be an Early Release Day for Heard County

Schools. We will have a modified schedule that day and students will be dismissed at 11:00. All students

will still be served breakfast and lunch that day. Students will eat lunch right before dismissal time. At

11:00, car riders will begin and all bus riders will load buses. The buses will leave from HCES and travel to

the high school and then the middle school just like they do on a regular day.

There will be NO ASP on this day. All students will need to be a car rider or a bus rider. Please send in a

note if your child is going home a different way then usual. If someone new will be picking your child up,

please make sure that the person has one of our YELLOW car rider tags to display in their window. You

can request a tag from your child’s homeroom teacher if you are in need of an extra one.

If you have any further questions, please call us.

Thank you!

HCES Admin
