This message is from Heard County Middle School. There will be a Friday FunDay this Friday, August 26th. The cost will be $5. It will be from 3:20 until 5:00. Your child will enjoy a Cone Ball tournament in the gym, music and dancing in the cafeteria, and/or a movie in the band room. There will be something for everyone at our Friday FunDay. Also, 6th and 7th graders will be picked up in front of the school (car rider line) and 8th graders will be picked up in the back of the school near the gym. Go Braves!
over 2 years ago, Brian Hadley
HCMS: There will be a 6th Grade Parent Meeting on Monday, August 22nd at 6:00PM in the HCMS cafeteria. We will discuss all the information you need to know about your 6th Grade student, such as: Schedules, Classes, Report Cards, Expectations, and more other important items. There will also be a question and answer period. We hope to see you there.
over 2 years ago, Brian Hadley
6th Grade-8-22-22
HCMS: We will have Picture Day tomorrow. Please bring your pretty smiles and handsome smiles to school tomorrow. Have a Bless Day!
over 2 years ago, Brian Hadley
Picture Day
Parent Meeting for the Highschool and Middle School teams! 8/18 at 6pm in the HCMS Gym. 4-12th grade!!!
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
Attention parents/guardians, Today, your child is bringing home information about our upcoming school-wide fundraiser, which will kick-off on Wednesday, August 17, 2022. Please read over this information and begin to familiarize yourself with our fundraiser. We are asking you to help your child brainstorm 20-30 friends and family members who are willing to support your child and our school. Please write down their names and phone numbers on the Friends & Family sheet in order to prepare for our fundraiser launch on Wednesday, August 17, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Brian Hadley
Braves Bucks-Parent Letter
For the school year 2022-2023, Heard County is requesting all families to complete and submit a Free and Reduced Meal Application. The Free and Reduced Meal Application is easily accessed at or a paper form is available at all schools. Please complete an application as soon as possible.
over 2 years ago, Heard County School System
capture lunch
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
Arrow Weekly
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
HCMS: Chromebooks went out today. Please make sure your child charges his or her chromebook. Also, if you have not fully completed your online registration information then you will receive a phone call, and your child will be withdrawn on Monday afternoon.
over 2 years ago, Brian Hadley
Thank you to all parents who have completed registration! Login to your parent portal and click forms and enrollment to complete registration if you still need to submit forms. If you are having trouble uploading your residency photo, choose actual size and small when uploading if using a phone. Open House will be August 1, 2022 if you have any additional questions about registration.
over 2 years ago, Sabrina South Thompson
uploading photo residency
Good job on getting registration started off strong!! Please if you haven’t completed the registration process do so!! If you have please make sure to upload all documents that are needed ( residency proof, etc!!!
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
Registration is now open for returning Heard County students. Login your parent Powerschool account and complete the forms. Here is a link for step-by-step directions if you need assistance. Help will also be available at Open House. *New students to Heard County will register at a later date.
over 2 years ago, Sabrina South Thompson
Registration is now open for returning Heard County students. Login your parent Powerschool account and complete the forms. Here is a link for step-by-step directions if you need assistance. Help will also be available at Open House. *New students to Heard County will register at a later date.
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
Upcoming Important Dates!!!!!
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
important dates
Please be on the lookout for the TRIBE TRAIN. It’s coming to a location near you. See the attachment:
over 2 years ago, Brian Hadley
Tribe Train
Creating a Parent Account in Powerschool
over 2 years ago, Justin McCullough
HCMS - Attention: Our kids will have the opportunity to get a “Free Sports Physical” on Thursday, May 19th from 11:00-1:00. This will be for our kids who DID NOT GET A PHYSICAL THE LAST TIME. The doctor can only be here from 11:00-1:00 on Thursday, May 19th. Please check with your child today. Thanks.
almost 3 years ago, Brian Hadley
HCMS - Parents, please tell the kids to bring their Chromebooks and chargers tomorrow. We will be collecting Chromebooks in the morning.
almost 3 years ago, Brian Hadley
HCMS - Parents, please tell your kids to bring their Chromebooks and chargers tomorrow. We will be collecting Chromebooks in the morning.
almost 3 years ago, Brian Hadley
Weightlifters please bring in your medals to Coach Jones on Monday!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Justin McCullough